Here are pictures from our own Christmas at Uncle Dave's house. It was evening, so the lighting in them is horrible.

It was a usual family event... Everyone was there:
My Dad, Auntie Laurie

Geo, Noelle


Jacob and Adrianne

Lance and Yasi....

Natalie, Allan

Robbie, Dad, Mom

Me and Scott (not flattering, I know, but I think it was the only shot with both of us in the frame)

Uncle Marshall, and of course, Aubrey. (i LOVE this picture!)
I don't know how we had any fun without her chubby, bubbly presence, and each time we get together, she is even more fun...
Uncle Dave is ALWAYS Santa Clause...

...Except... after surveying him with a critical eye, Aubrey decided that someone else was much more suited for the job. To no one's surprise, she wanted Scott to wear the hat.

True, in this case he might've just LOOKED more like Santa to her than Grandpa did, but we all know the real truth. She likes him best. Try as we might to win her affection, NO ONE rivals "Unca Scott." No one.

His reign as Santa was short-lived, however. She decided it looked much better on Grandpa after all.
Santa's job is to pass out presents, but he also got coersed into passing out cookies to small elves that have him wrapped around their pinky.
The food was awesome, and everyone eats WAY too much...

She wasn't quite sure what to do with it. She ended up opening it with me after I showed her how, then left it alone.
Mom is sporting her new red sweater.... also... fuzzy slippers that she couldn't help bringing.
Everyone got nice presents, but the ones that were - hands down- the highlight of Christmas, were the ones Uncle Marshall brought. He showed me up in totally hand-making all of his, as I failed to do (I tried! I give in - next year, I'm going commercial!) he even "went green" with his wrapping paper, utilizing newspaper and decorating with fresh flowers...

The one he made for Auntie Laurie was in a mysterious box that she needed help opening. Aubrey thought it looked promising, and had to "help" too...

She was Really disappointed when she found out that it was 'just' a beautiful wooden knick-knack shelf... she looked back and forth at the box several times.

Here I am holding what Marshall made for mom - a black coral vase. It was so pretty.

After presents and food, we just sat back and played with Aubrey. She only wanted to play with one person that night though... Unca Scott!

She was SO wound up - she had already been to 2 other Christmasses before she joined us. She shrieked and giggled, and went after him over and over and over....

He didn't seem to mind all the attention from her...

This is the man I want kids with.